About Lauren Monroe
Lauren Monroe is the pen name for Lorriann Oberlin, a Maryland writer and novelist. She is a former native of Western PA. Her new novel, LETTING GO: Book One of The Maryland Shores, is a contemporary women's fiction story set in the DC and Maryland area with strong connections to the Chesapeake Bay region.
Jan: Readers always want to know something
about the main characters and the plot when they pick up a new novel. What will
make them want to read yours?
Lauren: My novel, Letting Go is set in the DC/Maryland
area, and in particular, sites along the Chesapeake Bay region. It deals with
nautical themes, some current events/past current events in the aftermath of
9/11 anniversary reactions, which heighten anxiety anyway.

When her son becomes ill, she meets a
compassionate, handsome surgeon, Steve Kramer, at the same hospital where she’s just
been offered a job, by a friend of hers. She has to decide how/when to move
forward with her mix of emotions. Steve is different from any man she’s known
with a mix of the lovable and annoying as is the case in most relationships.
They interact with one another, each
other’s families and use their strengths to overcome weaknesses, as they
navigate their individual differences…and yes, navigate the Chesapeake,
spending days…and a few nights aboard Steve’s boat. There’s some heat there –
steamy some readers have called some scenes, but the budding relationship
touches people emotionally for its realism I’m also told.
Jan: And who do
you see as likely readers for your novel, Letting Go: The Maryland Shore?
Lauren: My readers are usually women starting at
early to mid-thirties and on into 70+, but having said that the novel has been
enjoyed by a few male readers out there.
Sometimes couples read the same novels, and honestly….it can be good for
men to read a few such novels with a little romance in them.
Readers will likely enjoy the nautical
theme throughout, the strength of the characters, and often some humor
regarding motherhood, men and even a familiar football rivalry on the east
coast. I’m a native of Pittsburgh, PA so it shows a little. (Laughing)
As they say, you can move away but you can’t take the ‘burgh out of the
person. That said, rest assured I’ve
created Ravens and Redskins fans. I know
where I live! (Laughing again)
Jan: Previously you've written nine
nonfiction books, tell us a bit about those books, and why you decided to
tackle a fiction book?
Lauren: These were all self-help, non-fiction
books. I decided that given the serious nature of some topics and
other work that I do, I wanted a creative, right-brained departure from
that. I had also started the idea for
this novel 20 years ago, and something drew me back to these characters, so
I dug it out, changed much, kept some and readers seem to
enjoy the result. I’m humbled by that.
Jan: How has your journalist experience informed your fiction writing efforts?
Lauren: Yes, that experience has helped as I written articles about relationships,
parenting, travel, and then later obtained a master’s degree in mental
health. All of that plus living
my life and understanding, both professionally and personally, about
relationships and families has equipped me to tackle this. I’m hopeful that it shows in the end result,
and though my fiction is a fun read, I hope that readers take some messages about
positivity and coping away from the experience.
Jan: You've chosen to use a pen name for
this novel - why and what are the pros and cons for using a pen name for you?
Lauren: The pen name was to keep the fiction
separate from non-fiction and the name symbolic. I loved the first name, the original
character had that name in the 1990s version, but when I moved the setting to
Maryland, I opted to use as pen name.
Monroe short for town Monroeville, outside of Pittsburgh where I lived,
wrote and worked for many years, even teaching others how to get their start
in freelance writing. It’s not a big secret though that this is a pen name…I’m
pretty open about that.
Jan: What is the best advice you've ever
received about writing?
Lauren: There’s so much to say to aspiring
writers. It's important to keep at it. Follow your passion. Carve out a time to
write, park yourself in a chair and just get to it. And, my all-time favorite, and
one I can say really shaped this novel – the best writing comes out of
revision. Nothing’s perfect the first time you create it. You hone it, walk
away from it, share it with others, consider feedback, and get back to it,
often eliminating unnecessary verbiage or words.
Jan: Tell readers about your novel and
travel blog.
Lauren: In my freelance career, I wrote about honeymoon travel and had an opportunity to contribute to national magazines. I’ve always liked exploring and learning as well. Living now on the Eastern Shore, I’m happy to share the insider track with people through this Facebook page and blog – giving people added reason to “like” it and follow it, certainly for the tips if they travel over this way, or even into the DC/Annapolis area.
Jan: How can readers connect with your blog, and buy a copy of your novel?
Lauren: The best way to keep tabs — both for this novel and for travel to the Chesapeake area — would be to check out the posts on the novel’s Facebook page and travel blog there so go to: www.facebook.com/lauren.monroe.novels.
Also: I invite readers to be in touch emailing: laurenmonroe14@gmail.com
or messaging through the novel’s fan page. They can also follow the book at Good Reads (where there is a giveway through March 30 to win two paperback copies) and on the Pinterest page for Lauren Monroe, Novelist.
In Addition: At the back of the book – Ebook or
paperback – there’s a readers’ guide for book clubs so I hope that women in
such will consider the title as there are points to talk about, and it’s a very
spring/summer kind of read especially.
About Jan Bowman
Winner of the 2011 Roanoke Review Fiction Award, Jan's stories have been nominated
for Pushcart Prizes, Best American Short
Stories, and a Pen/O’Henry award. Glimmer Train named a recent
story as Honorable Mention in the November 2012 Short Story Awards for New
Writers. A recent story was a
finalist for the 2013 Broad
River Review RASH Award for Fiction,
another story was a 2013 finalist in the Phoebe Fiction Contest; another was a 2012 finalist in
the “So
To Speak” Fiction Contest. Jan’s fiction has appeared in numerous publications including, Roanoke Review,
Big Muddy, The Broadkill Review, Third Wednesday, Minimus, Buffalo Spree (97),
Folio, The Potomac Review, Musings, Potato Eyes and others. She is working on
two collections of short stories while shopping for a publisher for a completed
story collection, Mermaids & Other
Stories. She has nonfiction publications in Trajectory and Pen-in-Hand. She writes a weekly blog of “Reflections” on the writing life and posts regular interviews
with writers and publishers. Learn
more at: www.janbowmanwriter.com or visit
blog: http://janbowmanwriter.blogspot.com