The Gettysburg Review
is pleased to announce its seventh annual Conference for Writers, to be held June
5–10, 2013, on the campus of Gettysburg College. We invite you to join us
in creating a community of writers in a bucolic, convivial, and historic
setting. Small, intensive workshops will be led by award-winning writers who
have dedicated their lives to the teaching of poetry and prose. All registered conference
participants will receive a complimentary one-year subscription to the Gettysburg
Review. The following information is used with permission.
Gettysburg Review
Conference for Writers
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The conference itself primarily comprises four days of small (limited to ten participants), three-hour, single-genre workshops in fiction, nonfiction, or poetry. Other activities include roundtable discussions on craft and editorial topics; private manuscript consultations with an editor from The Gettysburg Review; readings by conference faculty; an open-mic night for participants; and a closing social and barbeque.
Previous conference faculty include Lee K. Abbott, Joan Connor, Clint McCown, G. K. Wuori, and Fred Leebron in fiction; Robert Atwan, Suzannah Lessard, and Rebecca McClanahan in nonfiction; and Andrea Hollander Budy, Alice Friman, Terrance Hayes, Peggy Shumaker, Dean Young, Stanley Plumly, Carol Frost, and Sidney Wade in poetry. Evening readings by faculty are always free and open to the public. Check the website for more information on scheduling and this year’s faculty, as well as to print conference information and application packets.
For more information contact:
Kim Dana Kupperman
Gettysburg Review Conference for Writers
Gettysburg College/Campus Box 2446
300 N. Washington Street
Gettysburg PA 17325
Here’s what attendees have said about The Gettysburg Review Conference for Writers:
“At this early stage of my writing career, the conference provided the perfect groundwork to get me started and keep me moving in the right direction.”
“The conference was one of the most inspiring and enlightening and invigorating experiences I have ever had by far.”
“This is the best conference I have attended (and I have attended conferences in this country and abroad). The small classes and the opportunity for genuine interaction with the faculty set it apart.”
“All of the faculty are incredible individuals. They are pleasant, quirky, knowledgeable, friendly, capable, inspiring teachers, and seem genuinely glad to be here. I wish I could have taken a workshop with all of them.”
Note: I have attended this conference and it helped me improve my writing. I recommend it. Sign up soon, because classes fill quickly.
Bio Notes:
Jan Bowman’s work has appeared in Roanoke Review, Big Muddy, Broadkill Review, Trajectory, Third
Wednesday, Minimus, Buffalo Spree
(97), Folio, The Potomac Review, Musings, Potato Eyes, and others. She won
the 2011 Roanoke Review Prize for Fiction. Glimmer
Train nominated a story as an Honorable Mention in the November 2012 Short
Story Award for New Writers. Her stories
have been nominated for two Pushcart Prizes, two O’Henry Awards and Best
American Short Stories. A story was a finalist in the “So To Speak” Fiction Contest. She is working
on two collections of short stories and currently shopping for a publisher for
a completed story collection. Her nonfiction work appears in Pen-in-Hand and Trajectory. She writes a weekly blog of “Reflections” on the writing life and posts regular interviews with
writers, editors and publishers.
Learn more at:
Website –
Blogsite –
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